Episode 11: Debate Club

In this episode, Adjoa Acquaah (Bryn Mawr ’24) tackles the question: Do humans have sex pheromones? To answer this question, Adjoa tells us about research on estratetraenol, or EST, a hormone that is a putative candidate for a human sex pheromone. But what does a human sex pheromone even do? To unpack this question, Adjoa … Continue reading Episode 11: Debate Club

Episode 12: This has been a test

In this episode, Alex Abramenko (Haverford ’24) puts his science communication skills to test by inviting his friend, Rishi, onto the podcast and teaching him about how olfactory communication influences sexual behavior in goldfish. As part of this, Alex tells Rishi about a complicated series of experiments involving sex pheromones, goldfish mating behavior, and brain … Continue reading Episode 12: This has been a test

Episode 13: And how do you feel about that?

In this episode, Joshwai Nevarez Sharp (Haverford ’25) asks: Do women and men process pain differently? First, Josh walks us through the factors that might influence the answer to this question in humans. Then, Josh interviews Fifi, a laboratory rat who is participating in a pre-clinical study on pain processing that might have implications for … Continue reading Episode 13: And how do you feel about that?